Maybe my films are not masterpieces, but they are documents of their time. That's enough for me. Masterpieces I can't do - even though I try.
I think the more pessimistic I feel about life, the more optimistic the films should be.
Hollywood has melted everyone's brains. In the old days you had one murder and that was enough for a story. Now you have to kill 300,000 people just to get the audience's attention.
I like dogs, mankind I don't care for too much. You're supposed to like mankind because you're part of it, but I prefer dogs. They are honest and they don't lie.
我喜歡狗,我并不太關心人類, 按理(lǐ)來說你應該喜歡同類因為(wèi)你是其中(zhōng)一員,但是我更喜歡狗因為(wèi)他(tā)們很(hěn)誠實,從來不撒謊。
When I write, I am sober. I can direct drunk. I can't edit or write drunk.
— 阿基·考裏斯馬基 Aki Kaurismaki
It's easy to fool the eye but it's hard to fool the heart.
My weaknesses... I wish I could come up with something. I'd probably have the same pause if you asked me what my strengths are. Maybe they're the same thing.
I don't think actors should ever expect to get a role, because the disappointment is too great. You've got to think of things as an opportunity. An audition's an opportunity to have an audience.
I'm an actor, not a star. Stars are people who live in Hollywood and have heart-shaped swimming pools.
— 阿爾·帕西諾 Al Pacino
In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director.
Drama is life with the dull bits cut out.
The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.
Blondes make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.
If it's a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfectly clear idea of what was going on.
— 阿爾弗雷德(dé)·希區(qū)柯克 Alfred Hitchcock
A director must be a policeman, a midwife, a psychoanalyst, a sycophant and a bastard.
Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's.
An audience is never wrong. An individual member of it may be an imbecile, but a thousand imbeciles together in the dark - that is critical genius.
You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning.
Happiness is working with Jack Lemmon.
快樂的定義就是與 Jack Lemmon一起工(gōng)作(zuò)。
— 比利·懷爾德(dé) Billy Wilder
The Best Actors Instinctively Feel out What the Other Actors Need, and They Just Accommodate It.
— 克裏斯托弗·諾蘭 Christopher Nolan
Film is a dramatised reality and it is the director's job to make it appear real... an audience should not be conscious of technique.
電(diàn)影是被戲劇化的現實,導演的工(gōng)作(zuò)是還原它的真實性...觀衆不應該注意到拍攝技(jì )術。
I like making films about characters I`d like to have dinner with.
When the great actor says the line, you can put scissors precisely at the point A and it`s wonderful. When the star says the line, you can hold for four frames longer because something else happens.
當一個好演員念出台詞,你可(kě)以精(jīng)确地喊停拍出美妙的片段. 當一個明星念台詞時,你會多(duō)拍出四幀因為(wèi)感覺不大對勁。
I wouldn`t take the advice of a lot of so-called critics on how to shoot a close-up of a teapot.
— 大衛·裏恩 David Lean
Life is very, very complicated, and so films should be allowed to be, too.
The concept of absurdity is something I'm attracted to.
It makes me uncomfortable to talk about meanings and things. It's better not to know so much about what things mean. Because the meaning, it's a very personal thing, and the meaning for me is different than the meaning for somebody else.
我不願意談論事物(wù)和它們的意義,少知道這些意義其實更好. 因為(wèi)它是一件非常私人化的東西,而且大家對意義的理(lǐ)解都各有(yǒu)千秋。
Sex is a doorway to something so powerful and mystical, but movies usually depict it in a completely flat way.
Sometimes I get an idea for cinema. And when you get an idea that you fall in love with, this is a glorious day.
— 大衛·林奇 David Lynch
Nobody should try to play comedy unless they have a circus going on inside.
The most uninhibited person I have ever worked with.(On Garbo)
Any good movie is filled with secrets. If a director doesn't leave anything unsaid, it's a lousy picture. If a picture's unsaid, it's a lousy picture. If a picture is good, it's mysterious, with things unsaid.
任何一部好電(diàn)影都應該處處含隐秘, 如果導演把一切都攤在桌面, 那就是下乘之作(zuò). 如果影片太過晦澀也是不可(kě)取的. 一部優秀的影片應該具(jù)有(yǒu)讓觀衆探索深究的懸疑元素。
There are a thousand ways to point a camera, but really only one.
— 恩斯特·劉别謙 Ernst Lubitsch
A good director is not sure when he gets on the set what he's going to do.
Every fighter has one fight that makes or breaks him.
I spoke without fear of contradiction. I simply did not suffer self-doubt.
— 伊利亞·卡贊 Elia Kazan
A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.
I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries.
In our film profession you may have Gable's looks, Tracy's art, Marlene's legs or Liz's violet eyes, but they don't mean a thing without that swinging thing called courage.
幹電(diàn)影這行, 你也許有(yǒu)蓋博的英俊臉蛋,屈塞的藝術細胞,黛德(dé)麗的性感長(cháng)腿或泰勒的紫羅蘭美眸. 但如果你沒有(yǒu)過人的膽識,其他(tā)都是浮雲。
Scriptwriting is the toughest part of the whole racket... the least understood and the least noticed.
— 弗蘭克·卡普拉 Frank Capra
There’s nothing creative about living within your means.
You have to really be courageous about your instincts and your ideas. Otherwise you'll just knuckle under, and things that might have been memorable will be lost.
I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.
The essence of cinema is editing. It's the combination of what can be extraordinary images of people during emotional moments, or images in a general sense, put together in a kind of alchemy.
— 弗朗西斯·福特·科(kē)波拉 Francis Ford Coppola
About CinemaScope: "It`s only good for funerals and snakes."
There was a time when all I looked for was a good story, but nowadays everything has to look like the size of Mount Rushmore, and the actors in close- up look as though they belong there.
Each picture has some sort of rhythm which only the director can give it. He has to be like the captain of a ship.
I do not like producers.
— 弗裏茨·朗 Fritz Lang
If somebody has a better idea than me, I will take it if it surpasses what we have on the page because at the end of the day, it is me that takes the credit anyway!
We're quite volatile as individuals, but that doesn't work exponentially when we are together. Relationships are about eating humble pie.
— 蓋·裏奇 Guy Ritchie
I’m a storyteller – that’s the chief function of a director. And they’re moving pictures, let’s make ‘em move!
There's action only if there is danger.
I don't think plot as a plot means much today. I'd say that everybody has seen every plot twenty times. What they haven't seen is characters and their relation to one another. I don't worry much about plot anymore.
我覺得電(diàn)影情節已經沒有(yǒu)過去那麽重要了,大家都對情節模式了如指掌. 他(tā)們不了解的是角色以及角色之間的聯系,所以我已經不大關心情節設計了。
Women liked Gable best when he played a heavy with a grin.
— 霍華德(dé)·霍克斯 Howard Hawks
No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.
沒有(yǒu)任何一種藝術形式能(néng)像電(diàn)影一樣解剖我們的道德(dé), 直觸我們的情感并且深深照亮裝(zhuāng)載我們靈魂的暗黑空間(伯格曼說的話就像他(tā)的作(zuò)品一樣大。
I write scripts to serve as skeletons awaiting the flesh and sinew of images.
When film is not a document, it is dream.
I don't want to produce a work of art that the public can sit and suck aesthetically…. I want to give them a blow in the small of the back, to scorch their indifference, to startle them out of their complacency.
We walk in circles, so limited by our own anxieties that we can no longer distinguish between true and false, between the gangster's whim and the purest ideal.
— 英格瑪·伯格曼 Ingmar Bergman
I’m like a navigator and I try to encourage our collaboration and find the best way that will produce fruit. I like fruit. I like cherries, I like bananas.
I always start with characters rather than with a plot, which many critics would say is very obvious from the lack of plot in my films - although I think they do have plots - but the plot is not of primary importance to me, the characters are.
我總是從人物(wù)開始構思而不是情節,很(hěn)多(duō)影評人說我的作(zuò)品明顯缺乏情節. 我覺得它們有(yǒu)情節,但不是至關重要,人物(wù)才是。
I didn't get my degree at NYU; I got it later, they gave me an honourary one.
— 吉姆·賈木(mù)許 Jim Jarmusch
A Director Makes Only One Movie in His Life. Then He Breaks It Into Pieces and Makes It Again.
I believe that perfection handicaps cinema.
The saving grace of the cinema is that with patience and a little love we may arrive at that wonderfully complex creature which is called man.
My dream is of a craftsman's cinema in which the author can express himself as directly as the painter in his paintings or the writer in his books.
— 讓·雷諾阿 Jean Renoir
I Don’t Try to Guess What a Million People Will Like. It’s Hard Enough to Know What I Like.
What to do when inspiration doesn't come; be careful not to spook, get the wind up, force things into position. You must wait around until the idea comes.
當靈感降臨時當心别把它吓跑了,别煽風點火勉強行動. 你得耐心等待,好主意會水到渠成的。
— 約翰·休斯頓 John Huston
“We did everything wrong, technically… The only thing we did right was to get a group of people together who were young, full of life, and wanted to do something of meaning.”
技(jì )術層面來說,我們糟糕透頂...但有(yǒu)一件事作(zuò)對了,就是把一群胸有(yǒu)大志(zhì)的熱血青年号召在一起。
As an artist, I feel that we must try many things - but above all we must dare to fail.
No matter how old you get, if you can keep the desire to be creative, you're keeping the man-child alive.
You must be willing to risk everything to really express it all.
— 約翰·卡索維茨 John Cassavetes
A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end… but not necessarily in that order.
故事應該要有(yǒu)開始,過程和結尾, 但不一定要這個順序。
Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world.
I pity the French Cinema because it has no money. I pity the American Cinema because it has no ideas.
Photography is Truth. The Cinema is Truth Twenty-four Times Per Second.
Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self.
— 讓-呂克·戈達爾 Jean-Luc Godard
If there’s specific resistance to women making movies, I just choose to ignore that as an obstacle for two reasons: I can’t change my gender, and I refuse to stop making movies.
如果反對女人拍電(diàn)影的話,我選擇忽視這個障礙,第一:我無法變性 第二:我無法停止拍電(diàn)影。
— 凱瑟琳·畢格羅 Kathryn Bigelow
A style is not a matter of camera angles or fancy footwork, it’s an expression, an accurate expression of your particular opinion.
— 卡雷爾·賴茲 Karel Reisz
Life is Like a B-picture Script. It is That Corny. If I Had My Life Story Offered to Me to Film, I’d Turn It Down.
— 柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas
(When asked what a director does) I help.
The television industry doesn't like to see the compexity of the world. It prefers simple reporting, with simple ideas: this is white, that's black; this is good, that's bad.
To tell you the truth, in my work, love is always in opposition to the elements. It creates dilemmas. It brings in suffering. We can't live with it, and we can't live without it. You'll rarely find a happy ending in my work.
實話告訴你,在我的工(gōng)作(zuò)中(zhōng),愛總是其他(tā)元素的對立面. 因為(wèi)它制造困境. 它讓人痛苦,我們不能(néng)忍受它也無法失去它. 我的電(diàn)影中(zhōng)很(hěn)少有(yǒu)皆大歡喜的結局。
— 克日什托夫·基耶斯洛夫斯基 Krzysztof Kieslowski
Fortunately, somewhere between chance and mystery lies imagination, the only thing that protects our freedom, despite the fact that people keep trying to reduce it or kill it off altogether.
幸好機會和神秘之間是想象力,它是唯一能(néng)捍衛我們自由的東西. 就算人們總是試圖減少或扼殺它們。
Frankly, despite my horror of the press, I'd love to rise from the grave every ten years or so and go buy a few newspapers.
A paranoiac like a poet, is born, not made.
Give me two hours a day of activity, and I'll take the other twenty-two in dreams.
— 路易斯·布努埃爾 Luis Buñuel
You know what I would like to do: make a film with actors standing in empty space so that the spectator would have to imagine the background of the characters.
Hollywood is like being nowhere and talking to nobody about nothing.
We live in a society that compels us to go on using these concepts, and we no longer know what they mean.
When a scene is being shot, it is very difficult to know what one wants it to say, and even if one does know, there is always a difference between what one has in mind and the result on film.
I meant exactly what I said: that we are saddled with a culture that hasn't advanced as far as science.
我就是這個意思:我們被自己的文(wén)化所束縛住了,這種文(wén)化要比科(kē)技(jì )發展落後的多(duō)。
— 米開朗基羅·安(ān)東尼奧尼 Michelangelo Antonioni
A typewriter needs only paper; a camera uses film, requires subsidiary equipment by the truckload and Wellington several hundreds of technicians. That is always the central fact about the filmmakers opposed to any other artist: he can never afford his own tools.
打字員隻需要紙張而已,攝影機卻需要膠片,一車(chē)車(chē)的配套設備和百餘技(jì )術員. 現實就是電(diàn)影人和其他(tā)藝術家都不同: 他(tā)連自己的工(gōng)具(jù)都負擔不起。
We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.
A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet.
A good artist should be isolated. If he isn't isolated, something is wrong.
— 奧遜·威爾斯 Orson Welles
If a Million People See My Movie, I Hope They See a Million Different Movies.
When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, 'no, I went to films.’
I steal from every movie ever made.
To me, movies and music go hand in hand. When I'm writing a script, one of the first things I do is find the music I'm going to play for the opening sequence.
— 昆汀·塔倫蒂諾 Quentin Tarantino
It isn't easy to accept that suffering can also be beautiful... it's difficult. It's something you can only understand if you dig deeply into yourself.
The Jews have never been ashamed of being Jews, whereas homosexuals have been stupid enough to be ashamed of their homosexuality.
So certainly, if we can tell evil stories to make people sick, we can also tell good myths that make them well.
The more real things get, the more like myths they become.
— 賴納·維爾納·法斯賓德(dé) Rainer Werner Fassbinder
It’s all just one film to me. Just different chapters.
Filmmaking is a chance to live many lifetimes.
— 羅伯特·奧特曼 Robert Altman
My movie is born first in my head, dies on paper; is resuscitated by the living persons and real objects I use, which are killed on film but, placed in a certain order and projected on to a screen, come to life again like flowers in water.
Films can only be made by by-passing the will of those who appear in them, using not what they do, but what they are.
When you do not know what you are doing and what you are doing is the best - that is inspiration.
Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a school of inattention: people look without seeing, listen in without hearing.
— 羅伯特·布列松 Robert Bresson
My three Ps: passion, patience, perseverance. You have to do this if you’ve got to be a filmmaker.
You know, people always think if you start out as a film editor, you shoot less footage. Actually, just the opposite is true. I tend to grab as much coverage as I can because as a former editor I know how important it is to have those few frames.
如果你是剪輯師出身,人們總覺得你會省些膠片. 但其實正好相反,我總是盡可(kě)能(néng)地多(duō)拍一些. 因為(wèi)剪輯經驗讓我意識到僅有(yǒu)的這些膠片有(yǒu)多(duō)珍貴。
As I've always said, preproduction is so important. When you cast the actors, you've done much of the work. Now, you may need to guide them a little, take it up or down, have them go faster or slower, but the casting process is crucial.
我總是告訴人們前期制作(zuò)的重要性, 選角的時候已經差不多(duō)大功告成了,現在你可(kě)能(néng)要給他(tā)們些指點,告訴他(tā)們方向或速度,但選角過程至關重要。
— 羅伯特·懷斯 Robert Wise
Cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theater.
You have to show violence the way it is. If you don't show it realistically, then that's immoral and harmful. If you don't upset people, then that's obscenity.
你必須真實地表現暴力,不然就顯得不道德(dé)而具(jù)冒犯性. 如果你不能(néng)震撼人們,那就會變得低級。
My films are the expression of momentary desires. I follow my instincts, but in a disciplined way.
Normal love isn't interesting. I assure you that it's incredibly boring.
— 羅曼·波蘭斯基 Roman Polanski
A film is – or should be – more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what’s behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.
比起小(xiǎo)說來,電(diàn)影應該更像音樂.它應該是遞增發展的情感和情緒. 情感和涵義之外的主題都是次要的。
It's crazy how you can get yourself in a mess sometimes and not even be able to think about it with any sense and yet not be able to think about anything else.
The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes.
When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.
— 斯坦利·庫布裏克 Stanley Kubrick
Editing feels almost like sculpting or a form of continuing the writing process.
— 西德(dé)尼·波拉克 Sydney Pollack
I would travel down to Hell and wrestle a film away from the devil if it was necessary.
Every man should pull a boat over a mountain once in his life.
Film should be looked at straight on; it is not the art of scholars but of illiterates.
I work very fast and steadily, and I don't hardly ever notice that I'm working. It feels like just breathing or walking when I do films.
— 沃納·赫爾佐格 Werner Herzog
I made over forty Westerns. I used to lie awake nights trying to think up new ways of getting on and off a horse.
It's eighty percent script and twenty percent you get great actors. There's nothing else to it.
It is always a great pleasure to work with an actress who is so professional. She is eager to do a good job; you never have to tell her what a scene was about -- you just have to calm her down once in a while and keep her from becoming over-enthusiastic.
與一名(míng)專業女演員合作(zuò)總是非常享受的, 她對工(gōng)作(zuò)一般非常熱忱,你從不需要去解說某場戲---隻是偶爾得讓她冷靜點以免狂熱過火了。
— 沃納·赫爾佐格 Werner Herzog
The More Opinions You Have, the Less You See.
Any film that supports the idea that things can be changed is a great film in my eyes.
Entertainment today constantly emphasises the message that things are wonderful the way they are. But there is another kind of cinema, which says that change is possible and necessary and it's up to you.
Neither Rainer Werner, nor any of us could have succeeded, or produced the number of films that we did, just on our own. We showed our films to each other, discussed them vigorously and rarely agreed.
不管是法斯賓德(dé)還是其中(zhōng)任何一個(德(dé)國(guó)新(xīn)電(diàn)影導演),我們如果孤軍奮戰是不可(kě)能(néng)有(yǒu)今天的成就和産(chǎn)量的. 我們所做的是互相欣賞對方的作(zuò)品然後大加評論, 雖然很(hěn)少贊同對方.
— 維姆·文(wén)德(dé)斯 Wim Wenders
If My Film Makes One More Person Miserable, I’ve Done My Job.
I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers.
I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government.
My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.
— 伍迪·艾倫 Woody Allen
For me, film-making combines everything. That's the reason I've made cinema my life's work. In films painting and literature, theatre and music come together. But a film is still a film.
對我來說電(diàn)影涵蓋了一切,這也是我将畢生獻于電(diàn)影事業的原因. 電(diàn)影中(zhōng)可(kě)以包括繪畫文(wén)學(xué),戲劇音樂,但它本身最終是獨一無二的。
With a good script, a good director can produce a masterpiece. With the same script, a mediocre director can produce a passable film. But with a bad script even a good director can't possibly make a good film. For truly cinematic expression, the camera and the microphone must be able to cross both fire and water. The script must be something that has the power to do this.
一個好劇本, 優秀的導演能(néng)拍出一部佳作(zuò),平庸的導演能(néng)拍出及格作(zuò)品. 但如果是部爛本子,再棒的導演也拍不出好作(zuò)品. 要創造出真正美妙的電(diàn)影語言,攝影機和麥克風必須要能(néng)經受極端的考驗,一個好劇本就是基礎條件。
I like unformed characters. This may be because, no matter how old I get, I am still unformed myself.
— 黑澤明 Akira Kurosawa
The creation of a single world comes from a huge number of fragments and chaos.
We depict hatred, but it is to depict that there are more important things. We depict a curse, to depict the joy of liberation.
I would like to make a film to tell children "it's good to be alive".
— 宮崎駿 Hayao Miyazaki
The wide screen reminds me of a roll of toilet paper.
— 小(xiǎo)津安(ān)二郎 Yasujiro Ozu